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Apollo - 11 mission

NASA's Apollo program is also known as Apollo Project. Apollo Mission was the third HUMAN space flight mission of NASA.
The Space Research Center responsible for this is NASA. The mission has spent $ 107 billion; the discipline of this mission has been from 1960 to 1972. The first flight of the Apollo program was launched on February 26, 1966, which was named AS-201.

●Apollo 11 -

Apollo-11 was the first mission by which humans first visited the moon. The name of the first person to go on the moon was Neil Armstrong, Neil Armstrong, flying on 20 July 1969, under the Apollo-11 mission.
Neil Armstrong was the commander of the Apollo-11 program. In this mission, he had two companions and the other. And he spent about 21 hours on the moon. Apollo 11's pilot, buzz  Aldrin. Buzz Aldrin also landed on the lunar surface 20 minutes after landing armstrong on the lunar surface. And they brought the lunar material to the Earth. He had another companion named Micheal Collins.
Micheal was moaning in the lunar orbit When armstrong lunar surfaces were on. On the Moon only the buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong were descended only.
Apollo-11 was launched from Saturn 5 Rocket, it was launched from Florida's Kennedy Space Center. The duration of this mission was 8 days, 3 hours, 18 minutes, 35 seconds.

The Apollo-11 was built by the North American Rockwell. And on July 24, 1969, Apollo-11 returned to the active world. They landed in the North Pacific Ocean.
And brought the material of the moon's land with you.

About project apollo-11--

Mission - apollo-11

Commander - neil armstrong

Launch date - 20 july 1969

Return date - 24 july 1969

Pilot of apollo-11 - buzz Aldrin

Rocket - Saturn-v

Manufacturer - north american Rockwell

Launch center - Kennedy space center Florida

Spent time on lunar surface - 21 hour

Crew member - 3

Launch mass 45,702 kg

Landing mass - 4,932 kg

Landing site- north pacific ocean

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