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Plasma state

● Plasma stage - 

w all have observed many substances around us. The substance is usually found in three stages. Solid, liquid, and gas We will discuss a new condition of matter without discussing solid, liquid, and gas in this topic, which is also called fourth stage of matter. The fourth stage of the substance is called Plasma. Plasma is a condition that is not usually seen. Plasma contains free-positive ions and free negative ions. Due to which the plasma was well-operated. Plasma was first discovered by Sir William Crooks in 1879. Crooks tube , was discovered, After that Sir J J Thomson came. The second time he discovered the existence of plasma, it was discovered in 1897. And the plasma, which is known as the fourth state of matter. Naming of 1928 was done by Irving Langmoyur. Plasma can be artificially generated by heating or subjecting a neutral gas to a strong electromagnetic field to the point where an ionised gaseous substance becomes increasingly electrically conductive, and long-range electromagnetic fields dominate the behaviour of the matter. 

●Types of plasma- 

Plasma is usually of 2 types. 
1. Terrestrial Plasma 
2. Cosmetic Plasma 

 1. Terrestrial Plasma -
 There are also many types of terrestrial plasma. 1.Lab Plasma 2. Laser Born Plasma 3.Inertial confinanoment plasma 

 2. Cosmetic Plasma - there are also many type of cosmic plasma
1. Plasma in intergalctic nebula
2. Plasma in these stellar core near neutron stars 3.intergalctic plasma

●example of plasma state of matter-


-plasma in core of earth

--electricity of the weather of rain

 ● India's Plasma Research Research Center-  
India's Plasma Research Center is located in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, which was founded in 1986 by the Government of India's science and technology department. Currently, Plasma Research Research Center does under-work under the Atomic Energy Department of India. It is under the Atomic Energy Department since 1996. This fund also gives the Atomic Energy Department.

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