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Black hole

Usually the black hole is a very gravitational area. Black hole can not be seen because it behaves like an ideal black body. It does not reflect light inside of it. Therefore black hole can not be seen. Its gravity is so strong that it absorbs all the astronomical objects in its gravitational field. Even the light can not cross the black hole.

Professo John Mitchell, who was the first to tell about the black hole, was John Mitchell, a professor at the University of Cambridge, during his research he first told about the black hole. After John Mitchell, a scientist after a scientific pieare simon came. Those who gave full information about black holes in detail and wrote a book within which the black hole was explained in detail, his book was named THE SYSTEM OF THE WORLD.

black hole is a very high density object, its gravity is so strong that it does not allow light to be reflected even if we narrow down any object or object so that it is too small that its density is too high The hall is converted into a black hall to convert our sun into a black hall to its radius of 3 kilometers, then it is in Black Hall. It can change and if the radius of our Earth changes to 1 cm then it will convert to black all. A body is converted to black halls when its radius changes into the Schwarzschild radius

◆The construction of the black hole:-

Before construction of black hole, we will learn about the construction of the stars in short, the stars are constructed from nebula. These nebulae are also called nebulae. This nebula is made up of a dust, soil and gas particles formed in the village of Nihari. In Karan, due to the gravity of the gas, they are very close and they are very high and the temperature inside them becomes very high and changes in hydrogen helium It starts to look like it takes the form of a star, the entire hydrogen of this date is converted into helium or we say that if the fuel of the wire is eliminated then it starts cooling slowly cooling After the explosion occurs, this explosion is called supernova. In this explosion some part of the star gets separated and the excessive density part becomes compressed. Of this is to build this type of black hole due to changes in neutron stars and narrowing it disappears in the Universe gets into a neutron star Black Hall and given

There are several types of dysfunction, which are identified by their specific size. When they are caused by a star's gravitational collapse, they are called stellar black tumors. The galactic crystals that occur in the center of galaxies can be several billion times in mass mass, they are called the giant black holes because they are very large. There are also some intermediate dysphemisms between these two scales, whose mass contains up to several thousand times of the solar mass. The very low mass of the blind, which is believed to have been formed during the Big Bang in the early history of the universe, can still exist and they are called Primordial (Black) Black Shadow. Presently, their existence is still not certain.

In the center of our Galaxy Milky Way, a black hole is located, with a mass of about 43 million times more than our Sun's mass. 
Recently, another monster black hole has been discovered in our Galaxy Milky Way on which research is underway, scientists are still being investigated by it.